AC Thornton Consulting


  • Product realization consulting
  • Quality test planning
  • Product development process design
  • Production capacity analysis
  • Recall and product failure analysis
  • Strategic product planning
  • Warranty data analysis
  • Customer complaint system design
  • Pre-investment manufacturing audits
  • Manufacturing/factory audits
Anna Thornton

Professor Thornton earned her B.S.E. from Princeton University and her Ph.D. from Cambridge University. She started her career as a faculty member in MIT’s Mechanical Engineering department. During her time at MIT, her research focused on product development, manufacturing, and quality systems. After leaving MIT, she was a senior partner in Analytics Operations Engineering. At Analytics she worked with over 40 large companies to implement, streamline, and improve their product development, manufacturing and quality systems. As the Director of Engineering and Quality at Dragon Innovation she helped over 30 new hardware startups to transform prototype designs into final products. Prof. Thornton is now a Professor of the Practice in the Mechanical Engineering Department at BU where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in product development, manufacturing, additive manufacturing and product realization.

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